Vici Elementary Principal, Dr. Nelson, was warned by authorities on Tuesday that Christmas elves had been spotted in the area and may attempt to break into the elementary school. Despite the efforts of Vici Elementary teachers, staff, and students to lock the school down tight each evening, we want to let parents know that it does appear that we now have an elf or two INSIDE the school building. Officer Berrios and the Vici Police Department are investigating what looks to be Christmas shenanigans, and he has put out an arrest warrant for a Christmas Elf or elves. The community can help by keeping your eyes out for anything out-of-the-ordinary or suspicious. We have also included a description of the individual and an artist’s depiction of the suspect(s) with this article in hopes that someone will recognize him or her. Teachers and students are helping as much as they can and have collected lots of evidence from their classrooms, and we assure you, Officer Berrios is taking each tip very seriously. Unfortunately, there have been glitches in our camera system each night that the mischievous activity has occurred, and we are now working to make sure our cameras stay online all night to attempt to catch the sneaky individual(s). Stay tuned…this is a developing story.