2025  Powerlifting

In the 2024-2025 school year, Vici Public Schools has made an additional program available to 7th through 12th grade students: powerlifting. Powerlifting is now a class offered at Vici, and students who enroll in powerlifting also have an opportunity to compete in powerlifting meets in the spring.

The Vici Powerlifting Coach is Mr. Chism Sander. Mr. Sander brings valuable experience and knowledge from coaching powerlifting teams previously in his career. Mr. Sander has coached a junior high girls state champion team and a junior high boys state runner- up team at his previous school. Mr. Sander states, "powerlifting is a sport that will pay-off for athletes for the rest of their lives." Students on the powerlifting team work hard every day, and follow a consistent and structured weekly schedule that helps them with progressing and enhancing their strength.

The team is preparing for the upcoming season that begins on Thursday, January 30th with a junior high meet at Woodward. The high school team will begin their season the following day, January 31st, also at Woodward. Mr. Sanders is excited about this new endeavor for Vici students stating "We are young and inexperienced, but these athletes hit the ground running. I'm very proud of them."

We are proud of them too, and we know they will represent Vici well!

Junior High powerlifting team members are Garrett Halderman, Finley Harrel, and David Randall.

High School powerlifting team members are Dodge Lowry, Blayne Boswell, and Ethan Thompson.

Stay up-to-date on the latest news with the powerlifting team at Vici Powerlifting Page2025 Powerlifting team2025 powerlifting schedule